
Stephen zznonymous

From Redondo Beach CA

Commutes 8.2 Miles RoundTrip for years and 3 months
Five Days a week, I use my bike to travel to and from work Year Round

Downhill on side streets/bike paths to work. Uphill back.

46 years old 230lb 5'9" Overweight but otherwise in good cardio health.

Do it. I used to worry about clothing and being sweaty. I gently roll my dress slacks, shirt and tie. I towel off sweat. After cool down, I put on my tie. Others were very curious at first. Now many are jealous. They envy my cost savings and the fact I get two work outs a day without trying.

It gets easier with experience. Dress comfortably. Get the gear you need to make the commute easy for you. Soon you will look forward to your commute.

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